Money Management in Trading: Managing Risk, Position Sizing & Financial Goals

Exploring Money Management in Trading Exploring money management in trading can be like navigating uncharted waters – full of hidden dangers and potential rewards. From understanding risk and position sizing, to implementing a strategy with the right capital, it’s essential to have a clear plan before taking the plunge into this ever-evolving market. Join us…

Beta Coefficient

The beta coefficient measures the sensitivity of a security or portfolio to market movements. It is a statistic that is calculated using regression analysis and used to estimate the risk of a security or portfolio. The beta coefficient measures a security’s or portfolio’s volatility in relation to the market. A beta of one means that…

Dark Pool

What’s a dark Pool? Dark Pools are not dwelling places for sea monsters, they are actually exchanges where shares are bought and sold, the difference between Dark Pools and other trading markets is that they’re not public, you simply can’t tell who’s buying and who’s selling, so the trading is done in the dark, unless…

Is it better to trade in a market with a lot of momentum (volatilty) or a little momentum ?

The decision on whether to trade in a market with a lot of momentum (volatility) or a little momentum is one that requires careful consideration and analysis. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, traders can make informed decisions by examining the benefits and drawbacks of each market condition and identifying which one aligns best with…